The members of the Lisbon Library Board of Trustees are all interesting, enthusiastic, talented and dedicated people with a passion for libraries. This is the first of a series of stories that the board members have written about why they serve.
Karlee Barr: Libraries are Connection
When my family and I moved to Lisbon back in 2013, one of the first places that made us feel welcome to the area was the cutest little library. It was only a couple blocks away from our new home, and I immediately wanted to check it out. At the time, I was a stay-at-home mom to my son and we were fresh from living in Iowa City. I was always looking for things to entertain my little one. He enjoyed being read to every day, so the library was very important to us.
When my son Everett and I first entered the Lisbon Library, I noticed the large tree in the back by the charming kid's section. It was so inviting! I couldn't wait to explore it with my kid.Then I noticed a smiling and polite red-headed woman sitting at the front desk. I learned her name to be Amy, and she was very warm and helpful. She helped me get a library card and offered to help me locate any books that I might need. She also told me about how she could easily lend me books from other nearby libraries if she didn't have it. It was above and beyond! Truly thoughtful. It was a pivotal moment in moving to this area. I felt like I had made my first connection with the community through this library and through Amy White.
Fast forward to a couple years later (I think 2018, if my memory serves me correctly) I was asked to join the library board through Andrea Gorsh, a former member. I serve as board secretary and I love participating and seeing the inner workings of such an important place. I am a quiet and shy individual by nature, but the board gives me a space to express my thoughts and concerns. I feel respected and heard by this wonderful group of people and I'm glad to be amongst them.
I chose to have Amy photograph me in the kid's area because of how important that first visit was. It's a memory I will always hold near and dear about first moving to Lisbon.